Like all Companies/Indies/Broadcasters trying to find talented freelancers to make great TV we are constantly against very tight and often stressful deadlines.

Together we want to try to ensure we can give our talent and production teams more time. Equally we want to help freelancers plan ahead with more time to understand what opportunities could be available in the near future.

We and all other companies with access to tbases can now post eoi's (expression of interest)

eoi's can be either emails or adverts for new projects/productions in the pipeline with multiple roles weeks in advance.

tbases gives us the tools and allows us the freedom to post adverts to multiple web sites, send them in email, social media pages and groups and track expressions of interests (eoi'sfrom interested and available freelancers back into one workspace in our secure tbases workspace.

Indies and Broadcasters join us Click here to enquire and get started!

Freelancers can express their interest (eoi) in any role for any project/productions in advance. Free profile here for freelancers

Production Companies, Broadcasters and Freelancers need eoi (tm)